Coaches from across the country participated in the Scottish FA's latest PRIDE Lab this week, featuring a guest speaker from one of the biggest clubs in world football.
Manchester United’s Head of Academy Nick Cox spoke to nearly one hundred coaches on Wednesday, including the Head of Academy from Aberdeen, Celtic, Motherwell and Rangers.
Over the course of the day the coaches engaged as a group, shared ideas and the Heads of Academy from some of Scotland’s top clubs reflected on another productive PRIDE Lab.
Nick Cox, Manchester United FC: “I think it’s a fantastic concept. The days of clubs keeping secrets from each other are probably over and I think if we’re going to improve the game and improve our players, collaboration is the answer. The Pride Lab has been a great example of people working together and sharing ideas in the best interests of everybody.”
Steven Hammell, Motherwell FC: “It’s very rare that you get that level of insight. For someone to open the door and show you what they’re doing at such a high level will give everybody in the room something to take away with them.”
Chris McCart, Celtic FC: “It was a brilliant day. Best practice was shared as a group and between clubs which is valuable for everybody. Listening to someone in Nick’s position is an opportunity for people at all levels to be able to pick information from.”
Neil Simpson, Aberdeen FC: “Listening to Nick was thought-provoking. It was interesting to hear him speak about what makes the best environment for young players to develop, and coaches as well. I have to congratulate the Scottish FA for putting on these Pride Labs as well, I think they are a fantastic initiative.”
Craig Mullholland, Rangers FC: “I think the main thing we can take away from today is reflecting on your own practice. We’ll go away and we’ll think about what we do and why we do it. There was something for every club of every size to take from. Today was one of the best Pride Labs I’ve been to.”