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A brand new over-35s league kicks-off tonight across the Scottish FA’s South East region.

Working in partnership with the Lothian and Edinburgh Amateur Football Association and East of Scotland Football League, the South East team has set up the new league aimed at keeping older people playing the game.

It’s part of the National Player Pathway which aims to ensure people are involved in football from childhood and throughout their adulthood.

Scottish FA South East regional manager David Drummond said: “We see this as an ideal opportunity for older people with a love of the game to keep playing.

“Opportunities to keep playing the game after your time in Amateur, Junior or even casual recreational football are increasing. It’s an area the Scottish FA is keen to develop.

“We are aware of the demand for this type of competition as there a number of clubs in the region who already organise 11-a-side football for this age-group.

“We hope this new league offers an enjoyable environment for them to play in.”

Results and league tables will be posted on the website of the Scottish FA South East Region by the Tuesday following Friday games.  Team organisers must submit results by 12pm on the Monday following Friday games.

To view the fixture list, click on the attached form on the RIGHT.