The Scottish FA has today launched a new Grassroots Discrimination Reporting Online Tool as part of their continued commitment for Scottish football to be representative and reflective of the country’s demographic.
Following the recent launch of the Scottish FA’s Equality Framework, Football Unites, the new reporting mechanism allows any form of discrimination within Scottish grassroots football to be reported and investigated effectively.
By providing an easily accessible method of reporting discrimination, grassroots football in Scotland should become a more safe and enjoyable environment. The tool will also enable the Scottish FA to monitor potential high-risk areas as well as educational needs within the Scottish game.
The Scottish FA Grassroots Discrimination Reporting Mechanism and the Grassroots Discrimination Reporting Guide, also launched today, aims to assist in the understanding of different forms of discrimination; how they may occur within Scottish football as well as providing guidance to effectively challenge and report any potential breaches.
If there are any incidences of discrimination within the grassroots game, people are encouraged to access the reporting form on the Scottish FA website, allowing them to send in details of what they have experienced or witnessed.
This is bolstered by the Scottish FA Equality E-Learning course which can be accessed within the Scottish FA Coach Education pathway this week.
David McArdle, Scottish FA’s Diversity and Inclusion Manager said: “The Scottish FA is committed to making Scottish football representative and reflective of the demographic of Scotland. Our mission is to ensure there are no barriers to participate and access football in Scotland.
“This latest initiative will increase the understanding and reporting of discrimination across Scotland and in turn allow the game to ensure it acts on these instances and help eradicate this problem in society.
“The online form is easy to access and fill out, giving people the opportunity to place on record any forms of discrimination they’ve experienced or witnessed, with the option to remain anonymous if they wish.”
To access the Discrimination Reporting Form please visit or search for Scottish FA Grassroots in Google Play or App store.