SSC RENEWAL 2010-2011
Dear Supporters Club Member,
As you know, your membership to the Scotland Supporters Club expires on 31st December this year so, we’ll be e-mailing very soon with details of how you can take advantage of the “Early Bird” offer that’s on its way, so make sure you keep checking your e-mails!!
We know that it’s a difficult time just now for everyone, however your support means a lot to us and the international matches would not be the same without you so we hope you’ll choose to re-join.
Remember the main benefit of your membership is still the ticket guarantee for the matches here at Hampden Park so don’t miss out and look out for those renewal details!
Hope to see you all at the Czech Republic match at Hampden on 3rd March next year.
Best Wishes
Customer Services Team
Scottish FA Nominated Charities for 2010
This year, we would like your help in nominating a charity close to your heart for consideration in becoming one of our official charities for 2010. The support we offer is based on each charity’s individual needs and may include monetary donations, publicity and assistance with events or projects.
Details must be submitted by someone in a position of responsibility within the charity so please spread the word to any good causes you know of!
Tartan Army Children's Charity Christmas Present Appeal
TACC Christmas present appeal 2009 has begun - they're asking all Scotland fans to buy just one extra present this year, for a disadvantaged child in their area.
They asked children cared for by Aberlour Child Care Trust to tell them what they'd like, and TACC have posted this list of presents on their website.
None cost more than £20, so PLEASE go that extra mile this Christmas.