Young people in Stirling have been given the opportunity to play football in places that suit them, thanks to Scottish FA Street Football.

Take a look at the video on the right to find out more, and see the action from a recent Street Football session in St Ninians.

Street Football, funded by CashBack for Communities, is all about bringing the game into local areas, and giving more young people the chance to play more football more often. Anyone aged 10-18 can drop in and play for FREE at Street Football sessions across the country.

In Stirling, the Scottish FA has worked with Active Stirling and Stirling Council to run 10-week Street Football blocks in Raploch, Bannockburn, and St Ninians, with sessions running every Wednesday from 7.30pm – 8.30pm.

The sessions have given the Scottish FA and Active Stirling the chance to build up relationships with local youngsters and get volunteer coaches involved in the game.

Speaking at a recent session in St Ninians, Football Development Officer Michael McPake said: “We usually run the Street Football sessions over school holidays, but this year, after speaking to youth workers and the police, we decided it would be a better idea to work in longer blocks throughout the year.

“It’s worked really well – so far we’ve been able to build up good bases in Raploch, Banockburn and St Ninians, getting to know the local boys and girls, and encouraging them to come back week after week.”

Stirling Council Youth Services Worker, Fern Milne, said: “St Ninians is in the middle of a regeneration project and the area where the young people usually play football has been ripped out. It’s brilliant that they are being given somewhere to play, as well as support and direction from coaches. The rave about it.”

Street Football sessions use local parks, Street Sport cages and mobile pitches, which bring the game right into communities. Young people can turn up with their friends at any of their local venues, and play anything from1v1 to 5v5 games.

With Scottish FA coaches delivering every session, it’s a fun, free and safe way to get involved in football in your local area.

To find out more about Street Football in the central region, and find out where your local sessions are taking place, contact the regional office on 01786 467165 or

Click here to find the Scottish FA regional offices around the country.