Twelve local youth football clubs were honoured at the 2010 Scottish FA West Region Quality Mark Awards night at Hampden Park.

Willie Luke of Oban Saints FC also picked up a special merit award for his dedication to youth football.

Quality Mark is a club accreditation scheme run by the Scottish FA in partnership with McDonalds and The Big Lottery Fund, which recognises clubs and schools working to increase community participation.

There are three Quality Mark categories - Standard, Development, and Community. For further information click here...

The 12 clubs honoured for achieving different levels of Quality Mark status this year were:

Argyll and Bute
Helensburgh Football Club - Development
Lochgilphead Soccer Centre - Standard
Oban Saints Football Club - Community

East Renfrewshire
St Cadocs Youth Football Club - Development

Johnstone Burgh Community FC - Standard

Greenock Thistle – Development

Clyde Soccer Glasgow/Glasgow Girls - Development
East End Thistle - Development
Harmony Row YC - Standard
Jimmy Johnstone Academy - Standard
Pirie Park YFC - Standard
St Columbkilles - Standard

James Johnstone Chairperson of Johnstone Burgh Community FC said:

“We believe that by using Quality Mark as a template on how to run and grow the club and develop the coaches that we have a real opportunity to shape the way football is played in our area. I would encourage any aspiring club to sign up to Quality Mark as the process is very simple and having the support of the football development officer has helped us tremendously.”

Danny Bisland Scottish FA West Region club development manager said:

"The awards night was a massive thank you to all the clubs awarded Quality Mark status in 2010. With the ongoing support of all our partners and the hard work of the volunteers who provide so much to football in the region I hope that these clubs can continue to flourish and reach their full potential.

“A special mention must go to Willie Luke the West Region Merit Award winner. Over the past 25 years as player, coach and manager across the region, Willie has demonstrated a fantastic drive and determination to improve football for all players. I am glad he is getting the recognition he so richly deserves."